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9 Things To Know About Total And Permanent Disability

9 Things To Know About Total And Permanent Disability

It’s not uncommon for veterans to come back from duty with battle scars, wounds, and serious trauma. This can be a struggle to get through and leave veterans unsure of how to get back to civilian life and make money again.

Were you a veteran, and are trying to get back on your feet but aren’t sure how?

Here is everything you need to know about total and permanent disability, and what it can do for you.

1. What Is Total And Permanent Disability?

Total and permanent disability, otherwise known as P&T, is any disability a veteran receives that has been proven to be completely disabling without a chance of improving later on. The disability has to completely remove the chances of the veteran being able to live a normal and healthy life, preventing them from getting a decent job or going about their daily lives.

2. How To Know If You Qualify

Disability is on a rated scale, and to receive total disability, you have to be 100% or “fully” disabled in order to qualify. If this is the case for you, and your disability has a strong likelihood of continuing for the rest of your life, then you are likely eligible for total and permanent disability.

Any number of disabilities can qualify you for total and permanent disability. This includes, but is not limited to:

Any of the above disabilities should automatically qualify you for total and permanent disability. However, there are a few other disabilities that may be covered as well. If you have:

You may qualify for temporary total and permanent disability. If your condition does not improve, it may also be awarded complete disability coverage, though this is unlikely, as these illnesses and injuries are expected to improve with treatment.

3. What Is The Compensation For Disability?

Your monthly payment is dependent entirely on the injury you received while in the line of duty rather than your current income. It is decided based on your ability to work with the disability and can vary from person to person.

4. What Evidence Will You Need?

In order to make a claim for total and permanent disability, you will need a medical document stating your case. Your doctor will be responsible for writing your disability rating, as well as their opinion on whether or not the disability can be qualified as permanent.

However, if your disability is obvious, ie loss of limbs or limited mobility, you may be granted total and permanent disability without a medical opinion.

5. Is It Possible To Receive Total Disability Without Permanent Disability?

It is absolutely possible for you to qualify for total disability without permanent disability or vice versa depending on the disability in question. If you are uncertain whether or not you will qualify for at least one of the two, you can speak with an attorney about your TPD insurance claims for more information.

6. How Can You Know Your Disability Is Permanent?

Generally speaking, it is easy to tell if your disability can be qualified as permanent. If you have lost some of your limbs, eyesight, brain function, or have become incapable of getting around without assistance, you can rest assured that you have permanent disability.

If you are unsure if your disability will qualify, you can ask your doctor for their opinion. Most veterans attorneys will defer to the doctor’s opinion, and more often than not will qualify you for permanent disability.

7. The Benefits Available For Disability

Aside from monetary compensation, there are a few benefits available to veterans who qualify for total and permanent disability. These benefits include:

8. How To File A Claim

It is recommended to contact a veteran’s attorney for assistance filing your claim. Once you have the needed documents to file your claim, you have a chance of being rejected for total and permanent disability, so you’ll want someone to help speak for your claim.

9. What To Do After You’ve Filed A Claim

Any loans you may have will be put on hold after you’ve applied for TPD, so don’t worry about paying on them until after you’ve been approved or denied. It should take about 35 days after the claim has been filed to get a response.

If you have a recurring payment set in place on certain loans, those will continue to go through as normal. If you are approved, you will be able to apply for a refund of any loan payments you made during the waiting period.

There is a chance that you will need to pay federal taxes based on the income you receive from TPD, so you may want to contact a tax professional for more information!

Make Your Claim Today

Now that you have all the information about filing for total and permanent disability, you are prepared to start making your claim! Live your best life and continue forward even after receiving a disability by talking to a veteran’s attorney today.

What have you learned about total and permanent disability from this article? Do you have any questions that were left unanswered?

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