5 Crucial Things You Should Do After Suffering A Dog Bite Injury

5 Crucial Things You Should Do After Suffering A Dog Bite Injury

August 8, 2020 Off By Glespynorson

Are you a dog lover? If so, that’s totally understandable. After all, most dogs make great companions and can provide a lifetime of love and obedience.

But some dogs can be very dangerous. In fact, thousands of people suffer serious dog bite injuries that lead to hospitalization or even death. When a dog bite happens, you need to understand your rights.

This article takes a look at how to deal with the aftermath of a dog attack so that you get proper medical care as well as compensation for your injury. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about handling this type of unfortunate situation.

Remove Yourself From the Situation

When you’ve been bitten, the first thing you need to do is quietly remove yourself from the situation in order to prevent the dog from biting you again. Try to place an obstacle between you and the dog, such as closing a gate, climbing over a fence, or getting inside a car.

Don’t attempt to chase the animal or hurt it. The key is to leave as quickly as possible so that you can get help.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

It’s important to seek immediate medical attention. Don’t waste time convincing yourself that the injury is minor or that it doesn’t require medical care. After all, there’s always a possibility that the dog could be sick or is infected with a disease.

You will likely require a variety of shots in order to reduce the potential for becoming infected. The best bet is to go directly to the emergency room or try to visit your personal physician so that they can assess the severity of your injury. Make sure that the doctor who treats you documents the injury very carefully.

Limit Your Communication with the Dog’s Owner

When you’re a dog bite victim, you need to keep you cool when speaking to the dog’s owner. This might feel nearly impossible, but the last thing you want to do is get into a shouting match. So try to control your emotions and get whatever information about the animal.

Once you have the basics about the animal’s history, its current location, and the owner’s name, there’s really no reason to communicate with them until you’ve spoken to a personal injury lawyer.

Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer

Now you need to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle the case. Even if the bite seems very minor, there could still be serious damage. That’s why you need to speak with a good lawyer as soon as possible in order to find out your rights and how to proceed.

Always remember to call a lawyer if you have been hurt in an accident.

Report the Attack to the Local Authorities

Once you’ve spoken with an attorney, be sure to contact animal control or a member of law enforcement in your area. They will need to contact the dog’s owner and assess the animal in order to determine whether or not it should be destroyed.

A Guide to What to Do After a Dog Bite Injury

Being attacked by a dog can be an extremely scary situation. Fortunately, these tips for what do following a dog bit injury will help you begin healing from the incident as quickly as possible.

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