5 Things to Look Out for in a Weapons & Firearms Lawyer

5 Things to Look Out for in a Weapons & Firearms Lawyer

January 20, 2021 Off By Glespynorson

If you have been charged with possessing an illegal firearm or unlawful storage of a firearm, the consequences of such a conviction can be devastating. Not only can you get a criminal record, but there is also the risk of jail time, which is why you must contact a weapons and firearm lawyer who has experience in similar cases to yours. No matter what charge you are facing, here are five things to look out for in a specialist lawyer.

Excellent Communication

During your initial consultation with a weapons and firearms lawyer, you will know within an instant whether they are right for your case in how they communicate with you. From the offset, you will want a lawyer who explains law terminology in easy-to-follow language, otherwise you may struggle to keep up with your case and what is expected of you. All reputable weapons and firearms lawyers will possess excellent communication skills that are a must for building a good relationship.


Understandably, the more experience your lawyer has in your field, the better. While there will be many lawyers who will happily take on your case, their expertise may fall into other brackets, like DUI and drug charges. You must pick a lawyer that has dealt with weapons and firearms offences, such as edelsonlaw.ca, as they will know how best to handle your case. When it comes to the courtroom and presenting your findings to a jury, you must have a lawyer who is prepared for any eventuality.

Time Management

When working with a weapons and firearms lawyer, they need to know how to manage their time effectively. To get the outcome you want, your lawyer must put your needs first before anybody else. If you pick an attorney that is handling several cases simultaneously, they may not have the time or resources to put their full focus and concentration into your case. Hiring a lawyer who is available as and when you need them is just as important.


Dealing with a weapons and firearms offence is a serious ordeal that can take its toll on your health and wellbeing. You need to find a lawyer who has empathy and compassion for your situation, rather than judge you. In Canada, gun regulations can be confusing, and a lot of individuals charged with a gun offence are innocent citizens, so having a lawyer who understands your case and provides support and guidance from start to finish is important.


The last thing you want is to hire a criminal defense lawyer who does not tell you the truth. If the likelihood of jail time is high, your lawyer must be honest with you and prepare you for any situation. All reputable lawyers are open and honest with their clients, even if the truth can be sometimes hard to bear.

If you have been charged with a weapons and firearms offence, you shouldn’t face the ordeal on your own. To strengthen your chances of winning your case and avoiding time or a criminal record, hiring a specialist lawyer who possesses the key traits above is key for success.