Criminal Defense in DC

Criminal Defense in DC

November 23, 2022 Off By Glespynorson

Whether you’re accused of a serious crime or simply want to know more about the legal process, a Criminal defense attorney DC can help you get your life back on track. Here are just a few of the most common types of crimes:

Misrepresentation of age

Using a fake ID to purchase alcohol has become a common criminal offense in Washington DC. However, what is the legal punishment for this offense? A criminal defense lawyer can explain the ramifications of pleading guilty, and whether you should go to trial.

The misrepresentation of age is a misdemeanor in DC. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the charge can be reduced to a violation with fines or community service. For a second offense, the charge carries a maximum jail sentence of 180 days. A third offense carries a fine of $1,000.

The most common misrepresentation of age charge in Washington DC is that of using a fake ID. This is often a crime committed by minors who have had their first run-in with the law.


Several people are facing criminal defense in DC for sedition. One is the leader of the far-right Oath Keepers. The group planned to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden. The group has been linked to Roger Stone. Several other individuals have been charged with other crimes.

The charge of sedition isn’t the most common. This crime is defined by law as a conspiracy to do something unlawful, like seize property or overthrow the government. It also includes conspiring to stop the execution of a law.

If you are charged with sedition, you can face up to 20 years in prison. The statute was used in the days of the Civil War to target political dissenters. However, the statute’s breadth allows for abuse even today.

Sex offenses

Whether you have been accused of a sex offense or are a victim, you need to get in touch with a DC sex crimes lawyer as soon as possible. This attorney can review the facts of the case and provide you with a defense strategy. They can also negotiate a reduction in penalties.

Sex crimes are some of the most serious crimes in Washington, DC. They can lead to significant jail time, as well as a criminal record. These charges can also impact your career, family life, and social life.

You may be able to receive reduced penalties, including a shorter period on your sex offender registration, or a more minimal incarceration. However, if you are convicted of a sex offense, you will have a criminal record, which can damage your reputation and cause you to lose your job.

White-collar crime

Criminal Attorneys Washington DC - Criminal Defense Lawyers DC

Whether you are accused of white collar crimes or you are the victim of a white collar crime, it is important to know your rights. This includes your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. A good DC white collar criminal attorney can help you navigate the law and get the best possible result.

If you are being investigated, it is important to contact a DC white collar criminal attorney right away. Many people do not realize they are being investigated until they are arrested.

White collar crimes can range from fraud and embezzlement to pyramid schemes and health care fraud. They can be committed by individuals or companies. Depending on the crime, penalties can include fines, supervised release, and imprisonment.

Indecent exposure

Indecent exposure is a type of sexual misconduct which requires the deliberate exposure of private body parts in a public setting. This is done for the purpose of sexual gratification. It is considered a felony in some jurisdictions.

The specifics of an indecent exposure charge vary depending on the body part involved. The most common violation is exposure of the private parts. This is usually a misdemeanor, but aggravated cases can lead to felony charges.

The specifics of the law in your jurisdiction vary depending on the type of body part involved, the motivation for the conduct, and the location of the alleged violation. For example, exposure of the buttocks may not be considered indecent, while an indecent act involving the genitals may be.

Drug offenses

Whether you are a first timer or a repeat offender, you may be facing drug charges in DC. These offenses are serious, and can have long-term consequences. From job loss to rental restrictions, these charges can impact your life in many ways.

One of the most common offenses is simple possession of a controlled substance. The DC Code defines a narcotic drug as a substance that contains opium or cocaine mixed in.

Drugs and alcohol are prohibited in public, and using them while driving is a violation. However, using marijuana for medical treatment is legal in DC.

DC prosecutors are known to use a number of different approaches when dealing with drug cases. In fact, some of the most common charges involve large amounts of drugs.