Can You Collect Workers Comp After Being Fired?

Can You Collect Workers Comp After Being Fired?

May 15, 2020 Off By Glespynorson

If you’ve been injured on the job and you are fired for your mistake, you may be wondering if you can still collect workers compensation. Holding a former employer accountable for firing you on workers comp may also be possible. Worker’s Compensation is an insurance program that is a responsibility from your employer. When something goes wrong on the jobsite, your employer needs to protect you and offer insurance compensation for any physical pain or ongoing difficulty experienced from your injury.

Depending on the nature of your firing, workers compensation will continue to pay you for the injuries that you have sustained. If you are fired for a specific case of negligence, your employer may be able to stop paying out workers compensation. Employers cannot fire someone as a retaliation for an injury on the job site.

Finding a Solution

If an employee is no longer able to perform their regular job tasks, the employer and employee need to work together in order to find a suitable solution. There could be a change in assignments, a reduction, reduced hours and more.

What to Do When You Get Fired While Receiving Workers ...

Your employer may choose to fire you as a result of a simple financial decision or as a result of difficulty within the company. If you’re still recovering from your injury, it’s likely you will still be able to collect these workers compensation benefits. If you have discovered that you have been terminated as some form of retaliation for your injury, you should consider speaking to a legal representative immediately.

If you cannot prove a cause for your firing, you are entitled to your workers compensation benefits. If your employer is denying them, contact us today and we will represent you.

This post was written by Wendy Doyle-Palumbo. Wendy is a New Port Richey Injury Lawyer at Wendy Doyle-Palumbo, Esq. Wendy has over 25 years of experience practicing law and has won several cases in helping those get the compensation that they deserve!

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