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Can You Sue a Dog Owner Even If It’s Minor Dog Bite?

Can You Sue a Dog Owner Even If It’s Minor Dog Bite?

A dog bite can be an accident. It can also be a simple mistake, like when a child’s dog bites his or her own owner. However, sometimes the person who owns the dog knows the animal is dangerous and fails to do anything about it. When this happens, you may have grounds for filing a lawsuit against that person, even if the damage was minor!

Types of Dog Bites

When a dog injures you, it’s important to know the type of bite you suffered. A dog bite can be minor or severe. The difference between the two is crucial because it will determine whether you can legally sue the dog owner and his/her insurance company for compensation.

If a dog has bitten you, you might want to become familiar with the 6 levels of dog bites according to the Dunbar scale, devised by Dr. Ian Dunbar, a veterinarian and canine behaviorist. These include:

Should I Sue for a Minor Dog Bite Accident?

A few factors must be considered before deciding whether to file a lawsuit if you were involved in a dog bite accident. These include:

For example, in Las Vegas, Nevada, the dog owner can mount a defense case if your actions were over 50% responsible for the bite. A dog bite attorney in Las Vegas will be able to explain Nevada’s dog bite laws, the legal process for pursuing compensation, and the types of damages available in a successful case.

In 2021, more than one-third of homeowners’ liability claims were for injuries caused by dogs, according to the Insurance Information Institute, which reported that $881 million was paid toward these claims.

What to Do After a Dog Bite Incident?

Here are the steps you should take:

Dog Bite Statutes in the United States

Dog bite statutes vary by state, but most states follow one of two general guidelines:

Filing a Minor Dog Bite Lawsuit

If a dog has bitten you, it is essential to contact your local attorney. The attorney will be able to assist you in filing a lawsuit and will also help with gathering evidence, which is necessary if you hope to win your case.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, under the law, dog owners are liable for any injuries a dog caused when the owner knew that the dog tended to cause that kind of injury, failed to use reasonable care in keeping the dog from causing an injury, or allowed the dog to run loose.

To successfully file a minor dog bite lawsuit, it’s important that you document any injuries suffered during the incident. You’ll also need proof that the owner was negligent and responsible for those injuries. This may include:


The answer to this question is yes. It’s important to note, though, that it may not be worth it for you to sue a dog owner if the injury caused by his or her pet was minor. That’s because suing someone can be expensive and time-consuming.

But suppose your injuries are severe enough for medical treatment. In that case, it may be worth hiring an attorney specializing in dog bite cases to help recover compensation from the dog owner’s homeowner insurance policy or even their pocketbook directly.

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