Get More Leads: 7 Top Attorney Lead Generation Strategies

Get More Leads: 7 Top Attorney Lead Generation Strategies

June 24, 2020 Off By Glespynorson

A single lead for an attorney could mean hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Depending on the practice and the case, if you don’t have proper attorney lead generation strategies in space—you could be missing out on some serious money.

If you’re tired of losing leads and letting them slip through your fingers, we’re here to help. Continue reading this article to get the help you need to get more leads and grow your practice.

Regular Blog Publishing

One of the things you’ll find when you speak with lawyer leads is that they often go to your website after speaking with you. They aren’t looking for your photo or your address, but what they are looking for is information.

Your potential new clients want to see if you know what you’re talking about. They want to see if you know how to help them with their case. If they go to your website and there is information lacking, they might choose to look elsewhere for legal help.

Writing helpful blogs on a regular basis can help you build trust and bring in more business. It might seem time-consuming, but it will pay off in the long run and it is a great way to generate leads for attorneys.

Cold Calling Leads

When people are actively looking for a lawyer, this is the perfect time to call them. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t make an agreement to work with you right away.

People often are trying to feel you out and will often do research and ask for references they can call. When you’re cold calling, you should do your best to set them at ease and let them know how you got their information.

Many people are concerned about scammers that want to prey on their vulnerabilities. Put them at ease by telling them your name, where your law firm is, and by building rapport.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is by far one of the best investments you can make when it comes to marketing. When you put your money into SEO, you usually don’t see any results for a few weeks or months, but once you’re established in Google, you can grow a very large stream of leads.

If you’re trying to get leads for a single local law firm—that’s very doable. If you’re trying to get leads for multiple law firms in your network, then you can do that too.

You need to focus in on the keywords that are going to do the most for you. Things like lawyer near me or best lawyer in xyz city are a couple of good ones to start with.

Once you select your keywords, that is when you need to promote your website and start building links to your website. Links are like votes for your website, so getting as many quality, relevant links as possible is a must.

Content Marketing

Yes, we talked about blogging earlier—but that isn’t all there is to content marketing. Content marketing is a full-on attack with content from blogs, videos, ebooks, webinars, recorded sessions, and more.

When you focus on content marketing, it will allow you to naturally build links instead of having to worry about going around begging for people to link to your content.

Content marketing can boost your brand, your SEO, convert traffic, and the list goes on. This is not one of the marketing strategies you want to put on the back burner.

Social Media Marketing

Yes, lawyers market on social media as well. While you might not be tweeting out snarky remarks like Wendy’s, you can still have a voice on social.

When you post something on social media, keep in mind that people can reply to it. You shouldn’t leave it sitting there unattended. Look at your social media accounts and messages and make sure you’re keeping up with it.

You never know when you might get a question, a lead, or a disgruntled previous client. Whatever is going on with social—you need to know about it.

Online Advertising

Advertising online is a much cheaper way to advertise than taking out a television ad or radio ad. Besides being less expensive, online advertising can allow you to precisely target the people you want to see your ad.

Advertising online will allow you to get in front of your ideal client for a fraction of the price and give you better results.

Online advertising is often referred to as pay-per-click or PPC. When you want more leads to talk to, this is a good strategy to choose.

Email Marketing

People aren’t always ready to work with a lawyer whenever they contact you, opt in to one of your lead magnets, etc. That’s why you need to work on your email marketing strategy.

You need to set up your emails to stay in contact with your potential clients. Send them emails about your recent blog posts, tips and tricks, and anything else that is helpful.

Make sure everyone on your email list opts in to receive emails from you. If you send emails to people that aren’t asking for it, you’re likely to find they aren’t very responsive.

Attorney Lead Generation That Really Works

Now that you know more about attorney lead generation, you can use strategies that really work. Instead of hoping your mishmash of marketing is going to bring in the big fish, you now know what you’re doing.

Do you need even more help with building your firm or topics related to legal matters? Keep reading our blog for the help you need.