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How to Use Lawyers of Distinction to Market Your Law firm

How to Use Lawyers of Distinction to Market Your Law Firm

Many firms utilize marketing budgets to maximize the potential of acquiring new clients. To the small and mid-size firms, it can be a considerable expense. The marketing ecosystem is suitable for attorneys looking for client outreach and newer marketing methods can help attorneys fully use their marketing budget. One strategy for diversifying client impact and marketing while making best use of their marketing budget is via organizations such as Lawyers of Distinction. As a member of the organization, your law firm gets valuable tools with a demonstrable impact on client visibility.

Below is how you can use Lawyers of Distinction to market your law firm.

Using the Search Engine Optimized Profile in Distinction Member Diary

The Lawyers of Distinction optimize their member profiles to feature favorable reviews from AVVO, Google, and Yelp. In addition, the Lawyers of Distinction offers backlinks to members’ social media profiles and firm website to promote a higher ranking of member profiles in search engines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to lawyers since the higher your profile ranks in search engines, the more your firm will be established in the market. People often see law firms with higher rankings as reliable, professional, and trustworthy.

Lawyers of Distinction also optimizes member profiles for specific keywords, allowing your firm to become widely available to targeted traffic. SEO provides for an increased number of prospective clients reaching out for legal assistance, allowing for a chance to convert leads to paying clients, giving you more time to focus on other areas of your business.

To Build Credibility and Trust with Users

A well-structured marketing plan helps law firms build strong relationships with their target audience, establishing authoritative and recognizable brands. As lawyers look for an edge over other competitors, the Lawyers of Distinction have a primary role in promoting members. The Lawyers of Distinction site features a membership roster with highly competent attorneys, giving members consistent and broad exposure. Many people visit the website daily to find the best attorneys.

Using their Array of Digital Platforms

All members of the Lawyers of Distinction have access to various digital platforms to promote and highlight their achievements and interact with clients. Most businesses connect with their audience and advertise services on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Even to lawyers, social media is a great advantage as it helps you connect with potential clients as you market legal services. When you follow best practices and create a strategy, you can harness the power of social media.

Social media is critical since most clients spend serious time on the aforementioned platforms. Besides, most consumers use these platforms to perform searches before making their purchases. Therefore, before the potential client reaches out to you, they will look at your social media accounts. Furthermore, when clients have a positive experience with your services, they turn to social media to recommend your firm to family and friends.

While legal vanity organizations work to promote their members, none comes close to the Lawyers of Distinction. They use multiple channels to encourage members of the general public and legal community, including national publications and targeted ads to maximize their member’s visibility.

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