Legal Assistance For Work Injury In Detroit

Legal Assistance For Work Injury In Detroit

September 20, 2019 Off By Glespynorson

You may have been just working another day in the office, when all of a sudden; a slip or a trip happens, which may lead to injury, depending on the severity of the affected part/s. Naturally, it would entail going to the hospital, which in turn necessitates an absence from work. The company you’re working for may not understand, either due to ignorance, or just plain don’t care. In either case, you would need an injury lawyer in Detroit, to help you file charges when push comes to shove.

How can an injury lawyer help?


One such injury lawyer can help you with what to do when you sue your employer. They can explain to you the process of filing a legal charge, as well as what would be the tactics be should a trial commence. A discussion may be on the table with the employer, but should they choose to hard-line and not at least understand the suffering you have incurred, then that would be your cue to call up an injury lawyer. They can help you with reviewing your rights, and see what your employer may have flouted.

What are your rights?

  • Rights vary across states, but below are some of the more common ones across states.
  • You have right to file a claim for the injury or illness in the worker compensation court or the state industrial court.
  • You have the right for a medical professional to oversee and medicate you.
  • Provided you’re medically cleared, you can return to the job.
  • In case of temporary or permanent injury/illness, you have rights to a form of disability compensation.
  • If the decision of the employer, its insurance company, or the worker’s compensation court does prove unsatisfactory, you have a right to appeal such decision.
  • You have right to lawyer representation in the entirety of the process.


You too can say “no” when an employer makes you do thing which you aren’t comfortable with, such as making you use your own health insurance. It is also frowned upon, and downright illegal, for an employer to attempt to dissuade an affected employee from filing a compensation claim.

It also stated in law across states that you can file a claim in the worker’s compensation court free of reprisal or harassment from the employer. Doing so on the part of employer is a crime, and so is employing delaying tactics against the employee.