Possible Scenarios Where You May Need Yourself An Immigration Lawyer Canada

Possible Scenarios Where You May Need Yourself An Immigration Lawyer Canada

September 25, 2019 Off By Glespynorson

Canada hardly needs any introduction, as it is the second-largest country in the world and of the many major players on the global stage. What’s more is that it has a reputable judicial and court systems, low unemployment rate, universal heath-care, advanced education system, strict gun laws and lastly a unique cultural heritage that can be experienced at the nation’s many traditional fairs and festivals. Moreover, the country still needs to grow its economy, so it allows foreign investors, including many investment-based immigration programs that lead to permanent residency and finally, citizenship. However, not everybody finds it easy to go through with them and need an immigration lawyer in Canada.

If you are thinking about immigrating to Canada as an entrepreneur or investor, you have several options for you. If you are victorious with your application, you and your family can move to Canada together. However, to avoid complications, you’ll need to hire yourself an immigration lawyer Canada. Here’s more on what an immigration lawyer can help you with.

Uncertain about your investment in Canada for citizenship: – There can be times or situations where you can find yourself unsure of whether or not you will be eligible for citizenship. Despite your investment and meeting the criteria, you may feel uncertain of your chance. That when a lawyer specifically dealing with immigration to the country you have invested in can help.

Seeking discretionary relief: – Everyone that enters the investment immigration Canada program does so for several different reasons, some may be to solicit citizenship while others to invest while at the same time seek citizenship. However, when you endeavor an exception for your case from the immigration authorities, you going to need a lawyer with you who can help you explore your option from a legal perspective.

Providing additional evidence: – When you find yourself in the investment immigration program, you may be asked at times to submit additional evidence. This can ruin your chance of getting to the part where you receive your citizenship and an immigration lawyer Canada can help you with exploring your options.

Stop deportation or removal proceedings: – When you’re in with the investment immigration, you can never know when you will be notified that deportation or other removal proceedings are started against you. Once they begin, you will need assistance in stating your claim or applying for your return.

Dealing with forms and documents: – The part about the paper and documents can be confusing for a novice when it comes to immigration investment. Having an expert help, you prepare them won’t be as stressful, confusing, and time-consuming. You can also have the insights of an expert in the matter, if you are unsure of any procedures and how they work effectively.

Dealing with failed, stalled, rejected or ongoing applications: – At times, your investment immigration application may be stalled, denied, or refused. You may get to know why that has occurred by knowing what to do from then on can be confusing. An experienced investment immigration officer can help you with your case and at the same time, provide valuable insights on how to get it done.

Canadian citizenship carries numerous benefits that many foreign nationals think make the investment program worth the money and the time. These are just some of the causes why you might choose to consult with an immigration lawyer. If you’re looking for an immigration lawyer Canada, you can easily find one with the help of Google Maps, Facebook, Ourbis.