Sex Offender Registry – How the Law is Recognizing It May Be Different for Everyone

Sex Offender Registry – How the Law is Recognizing It May Be Different for Everyone

January 6, 2021 Off By Glespynorson

Sex offender registries were originally set up to keep tabs on potentially dangerous sex offenders as well as holding them forever liable for past transgressions. No longer would a person convicted of multiple sex crimes be able to move into a new neighborhood, with there being no chance of their past being uncovered. However, there now seems to be recognition of the fact that not all sex crimes or offenders can be measured by the same standard. States are repealing sex offender registry laws and requirements in part, frequently citing privacy and cruel and unusual punishment concerns. Learn more about just how the law is beginning to take a closer look at the long-term impact of state sex offender registries on those who have been convicted of sex offenses.

When Sex Offenses Were Committed as Minors

Ask any prosecutor and they will tell you that sex offense crimes involving juvenile offenders are among the worst. Many times, the offenders themselves have been subject to some form of abuse, becoming part of a larger cycle of disfunction that they are not mature enough to even be aware of. Child sex offenders who get the right type of rehabilitation and monitoring are generally at very low risk of re-offending. Attorney Anaya McKedy can assist you with removing all identifying information from your state sex offender registry. Some people are able to successfully petition the court and eliminate the need for them to continue being actively monitored or listed.

Sex Crimes and Non-Violent Offender Status

While all sex offenses are looked at with a unique type of disdain, offenses that involve no contact are sometimes classified at the lowest level. Non-violent offenders convicted of crimes that involve no direct contact with victims have also been shown to have more promise when it comes to long-term rehabilitation. While not all courts agree, some have changed sex offender registries that phase out non-offenders after a period of time instead of requiring them to be registered for life. Some states also have sex offender registries that last for 20 years in total, based on the date of the last offense.

When Decades Since the Last Offense Have Passed

When you are listed on the sex offender registry for many states, there are strict requirements on reporting and restrictions on where you live. A judge in Michigan recently decreed that current restriction levels for registered sex offenders were in direct violation of their civil rights. Some elements of Michigan sex offender registry requirements will be modified and even completely eliminated in an effort to keep everything in compliance with state and federal law.

Sometimes, sex offenders are able to have their convictions sealed and are subsequently not required to be included in their state sex offender registry. Other offenders strike deals with prosecutors, avoiding sex offender registry in exchange for guilty pleas. Still, others go through rehabilitation and avoid reoffending for long periods. Perhaps not all sex offenders should have the same sex offender registry requirements, just based on the state of residence.