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Shoring Up The Risk Of Summer Boating Accidents

Riding the waves of summer after a long, bleak winter can be exciting.  But nothing can ruin a good time in the sun like a boating accident, which can cause injury or even loss of life.

Boating accidents do not often receive much press, nor are they top of mind for eager vacationers.  But the statistics tell a different story.  The rate of accidents (over just a few months of summer) is quite high.

The Canadian Red Cross reports the following:

Data compiled from 10,000+ individuals:  1991-2010

Particularly troubling is the reported cause of these accidents.  For individuals aged 15+, alcohol was a contributing factor in at least 39% of deaths.  It is not hard to see how boating-related accidents are connected to issues one would not normally associate it with.  In the above scenario, some issues include Respect for the legal drinking age and merchants selling liquor to minors.

South of the border, the figures from the U.S. Coast Guard are also troubling:

4,062 accidents in 2013

560 resulted in the death

Fatal boating accidents usually occur in June.  But oddly enough, the USCG says December was its deadliest month with 26% of boating accidents resulting in death.

What are other types of accidents also prevalent?

According to the USCG, collision with a recreational vehicle ranks highest.  That is more than double the next-highest ranking:  flooding/swamping.

Meanwhile, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) reports that:

Boating activities account for about one-fourth of all drownings

Other triggers of boating accidents involve:

Small open motorboats incur the highest number of accidents due to their open-concept design.  This makes it easier for passengers to fall overboard accidentally.

What can individuals and families do to keep safe?

Through their sheer strength and power, oceans and lakes can give boaters the impression that the water is in control.  But in fact, we are not so powerless after all.  Water-related injuries and fatalities can be prevented (or at least reduced) through a combination of swimming skills and other types of preparedness.

The safety guidelines below may seem very basic and quite noticeable.  But the extremely high occurrence of fatal accidents points to the need for ongoing (and sometimes repetitive) education.

Boating Safety:  

According to a poll conducted by Red Cross in 2013, comfort trumped safety for many Canadians.  As many as 20% of respondents said they did not wear a lifejacket because they found them uncomfortable.  And about 25% said they chose not to wear a life jacket because they already knew how to swim.

But as always, statistics are most valuable when they convey a message that then translates into action.

Parents who model intelligent behavior to their kids will raise a new generation of safety-conscious, water-savvy boaters who know how to minimize their risk of injury or death.  It is adults who are ultimately responsible for helping reduce water-related tragedies that can so easily be avoided.

Bogoroch & Associates LLP has extensive experience in Boating Accident cases and firmly believes that victims of boating accidents are entitled to access to justice. Please contact us for further information on how we can assist you or your family member.

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