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Tips To Ensure A Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Successful

If you have suffered an injury while at work, you have the right to receive workers’ compensation benefits until you can return. Unfortunately, there are several reasons the insurance provider may deny the claim made.

To help reduce the likelihood of being wrongfully denied your benefits or having your benefits terminated prematurely, there are a few things you can do. Taking these steps can help increase the likelihood of a successful claim.

Report The Incident Right Away

It is necessary to let your manager know about your injury right away. Your boss has the responsibility of reporting it to his or her insurance provider. Usually, this must be done within 30 days. If this is not done on time, the insurance company will have a legitimate reason to deny your claim.

Get The Names Of Any Witnesses To The Injury

If there was someone nearby who saw the accident take place, be sure you know who they are. Sometimes, the insurer will deny a workers compensation Portland claim because they don’t believe the physical damage occurred while you were at work. Having testimony from witnesses can help you prove what happened.

Seek Medical Treatment

If you are injured at work, you need to make an appointment to go to a doctor right away. If it is an emergency, ask someone to take you to a walk-in clinic or emergency room nearby. Even if it is not an emergency, do not wait to get treatment. If you wait too long, insurance companies may assume you were not actually hurt or that it was not serious.

Explain How You Were Injured

If your initial medical records do not outline how you were injured, an insurance company may deny your claim. You need to explain to your doctor exactly how you got hurt so they can include all pertinent information in their report. The key here is to keep things simple and clear.

Avoid Social Media 

When someone is involved in a personal injury case, they are advised to avoid posting about their situation on social media. This is because the at-fault party’s insurance company may use this information against them to reduce or deny the claim for compensation they have filed. The same is true for workers’ compensation cases. Stay quiet on social media and make sure you don’t post anything that may negate your case.

Contacting an attorney for help with your workers’ compensation claim is essential. They will know what steps to take, which will help increase the likelihood that you can recover the benefits you deserve.

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