Top 5 Tips For Financial Planning After A Divorce

Top 5 Tips For Financial Planning After A Divorce

September 20, 2023 Off By Glespynorson

Divorce, undoubtedly, is one of life’s most challenging experiences. The emotional and mental toll it takes is immense, often leaving people feeling vulnerable and isolated.  When we specifically talk about finances, the implications can be catastrophic and literally bank-breaking for some people. You may lose a large section of your assets or might be mandated to pay spousal and/or child support.

Take a moment to consider the consequences: you might watch a substantial portion of your hard-earned assets getting divided, or perhaps find yourself bound by the legal obligations to pay spousal and child support. Well, is there a better way to get around divorce? We cannot say the same for your mental or emotional health, but financial health? An affirmative yes!

Here are 5 Ways to Manage Money after a Divorce: 

Create a New Budget

After a divorce, your household income is most likely to witness a plunge. It is advisable to revise your household budget. Remember to adjust your income to include any changes to government benefits and child or spousal support. Likewise, update your expenses to include any changes in childcare expenses, housing, household costs and your share of the pre-divorce debt. If you are short on money, look for ways to economise your budget and start saving towards an emergency fund.

Consider Selling or Keeping the House

In some divorce cases, couples decide to sell their home and split the proceeds. Whereas, there are cases, wherein one spouse chooses to stay in the home and buy the other partner’s share by refinancing or giving up other assets. To the untrained eye, selling a home and dividing the proceeds sounds easy, but it is a massive task. You have to first determine how much you can afford for housing. It may be wiser in such a situation to rent out your property until you can get your financial situation under control. If the decision to sell or keep the house has witnessed a dead-end in your case, it is best to opt for the assistance of a divorce law firm in Brampton.

Set Up A New Filing System

Think of it as decluttering for your post-divorce life. The initial investment of time might feel overwhelming amidst everything else, but the long-term rewards are immense. With a clear and systematic filing approach, those frantic moments searching for a specific account number or a crucial legal paper can become a thing of the past.

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Having organised files isn’t just about quick access; it’s about empowerment. As you venture into this new chapter of your life, being able to quickly grasp your financial situation, understand your rights, and be in control of your assets will be invaluable. Each document, properly filed, becomes a stepping stone, helping you to make informed decisions, safeguard your interests, and rebuild a secure foundation.

Review Your Insurance Needs

Needless to say, a divorce can dramatically alter your insurance coverage. If you have depended on your spouse’s healthcare insurance for all or part of your coverage, you might have to consider changing your workplace benefits or purchasing individual healthcare insurance. Insurance against incapacity and critical sickness should also be considered.

Last but not least, for better, more seamless, and strategic money management and financial planning after divorce, it is always best to get assistance from the right professionals. It might seem like an unnecessary hassle, but the advantages are long-term and you are assured to have a secure financial future.

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