What Are The Ways Of Obtaining A Citizenship

What Are The Ways Of Obtaining A Citizenship

May 22, 2019 Off By Glespynorson

The Law on Citizenship envisages four ways of acquiring citizenship in most countries, originating from birth in the territory of the country, by acceptance and by international treaties. In administrative-legal practice, the most common way of acquiring citizenship is the acquisition of citizenship by admission, based on a final decision that the ministry responsible for internal affairs issues after the procedure prescribed by the Law. Immigrant Investor Canada is the professional that you need in such cases if you want this to be easily completed and finished. Obtaining a citizenship does require some time and resources and definitely a legal help from an immigration lawyer who will get exactly what you requested making sure that your needs are being satisfied.

Under the general conditions for admission to citizenship, a foreigner may, upon his / her request, be admitted to citizenship if:

– is permanently resident in the country, in accordance with the regulations on the movement and stay of foreigners;
– has reached 18 years of age and has not been deprived of his business ability;
– be released from foreign citizenship or submit proof that he will be released if he is admitted to citizenship;
– until the filing of the application for at least three years he had a permanent residence registered in the territory of the country;
– submit a written statement to consider the country as its own state.

Along with the general conditions mentioned, the Law also provides for a number of exemptions for foreigners who are admitted to citizenship, including the relief related to the fact of marriage. Namely, the Law prescribes that a foreigner who is at least three years in a marital union with a citizen of the country and who has been granted permanent residence in the country may be admitted into the citizenship if he submits a written statement to consider the country as his own country

The easing is that person who has been in a marital union with a citizen of the country for at least three years does not have to fulfill all the aforementioned general conditions for admission to citizenship, but only two of these conditions, to obtain the approval of permanent residence in the country and to submit a written statement to consider the country as its own state.

It is understood that, along with the application for admission to citizenship, in addition to proof of fulfillment of the above two conditions, the individual must also provide proof of the fact that it facilitates the admission, or attach a birth certificate (not older than 6 months) to prove that the least three years in a marital community. This copy is not subject to legalization in the country if it originates from one of the States Parties to the Convention on the Abolition of the Need for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents.

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