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What is Surrogacy Treatment and the Legal Considerations?

What is Surrogacy Treatment and the Legal Considerations?

What Do You Mean By Surrogacy Treatment?

Surrogacy treatment is an agreement in which a female is paid to carry a child “for” another couple. Many infertile couples travel to India, where commercial surrogacy is permitted. Although this arrangement looks to benefit all parties involved, certain delicate concerns must be handled through carefully crafted rules to preserve the surrogate mother’s and intended parents’ rights. Surrogacy is also referred to as in-vitro insemination.

Legal Considerations Regarding Surrogacy Treatment:

RSC advises that you learn about and defend your legal rights during the third-party services process and talk with a surrogacy lawyer.

In all infertility treatment contracts, it is in the best interests of all parties to have expert legal counsel to draught a binding legal contract and seek a court order.

In most cases, the egg donor, surrogate, and/or intended parents each have their legal representation. Your doctor will want a “clearing letter” from your lawyer to show that all parties have signed an agreement.

The Purpose Of A Legal Contract:

The parties’ intent governs parental rights under California law in most circumstances. A written agreement is the simplest approach to clarify the parties’ intentions and resolve any potential future concerns, such as:

Without A Legal Agreement:

What Should You Anticipate From A Lawyer?

Your attorney will create and negotiate a contract tailored to your specific requirements and concerns. It will include each party’s responsibilities and any difficulties that may occur in the future. Your lawyer will write a “clearing letter” to your doctor to ensure that all parties have fully completed an agreement.


Surrogacy agreements are complicated from a medical, emotional, financial, and legal standpoint. Surrogacy provides the possibility of having a child for certain people who previously were unable to have children, such as lesbian couples and women who cannot carry a pregnancy. So, for surrogacy treatment, contact Rainbow Surrogacy!

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