What Type of Houses are Mostly Being Robbed?

What Type of Houses are Mostly Being Robbed?

August 1, 2018 Off By Glespynorson

More vigilance is needed, especially when strangers with dubious behavior are spotted near residential buildings. Make sure to get in touch with us. The timeframe preferred by the thieves for committing crimes is the period between 09.00. and 12.00, when most homes are left without direct observation. Ordinarily, perpetrators are investigating the area and the residents there. The subject of their attention is mainly the dwellings located on the lower floors / till the 3rd /. Breaking the cartridge on the front door, thieves penetrate into the apartment looking for gold, silver, and currency. Small items allow them to move unhindered and unobstructed away from the scene. Particularly appealing are the doors whose cartridges are coming from the outside – this facilitates criminals. Good locking effect has two-way and multi-locking locks.

If you hear a noise of breaking or crushing on the stairwell, and see strangers, immediately call the police. Watch out what the thieves will carry out and what kind of car they are going to go out of the window. Record the brand, color and registration number. Remember that if you do not help to reveal the thieves to your neighbor, the next time you may be their victim. Call 911. Your anonymity will be guaranteed.

Do not forget: Your home is your fortress, but its protection is only provided by joint efforts.

Which homes are the most common?
Most often theft of apartments with poorly fortified doors are carried out. Still in many of the apartment blocks are used thrash doors, which break very easily. Vulnerable parts of these doors are the locks with outwardly extending chucks, the door frame in the locker that holds the tongue of the lock and the hinged type hinges. Standard door gates cannot be reinforced by the installation of reliable locks.

The second category of residential property that is the object of theft is the apartment where there is a significant amount of property. These thefts are usually preceded by information about the presence of money and valuables in the dwelling and pre-preparation of means to overcome the door.

The third category of villas are the villas where the presence of the farmers is seasonal and during most of the year they are uninhabited.

How to secure your apartment?
Place a secure, secure metal door or solid wood with at least three hinges in the hinges. Pay particular attention to the locks. Their secret cartridges must never be fed over the door, since the thieves catch them with a watertight or specially made key and then, with a sharp blow, they break them into their thinnest part. Unlocking then with a special lock is simple. Do not rely on additional locking bolts. A good effect is the two-sided and multi-lock locks.
Pay attention to the strength of the hinges. Criminals often attack precisely these points.
If you live on a ground floor, top floor or top floor, and if your balconies are bordered by the staircase of the block, there is a great chance that thieves will penetrate there. There are cases where thieves-climbers penetrate and from the roof of the block. It is therefore advisable to install grilles and firmly reinforce the balcony doors.

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