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Why Call an Attorney After a Rear-End Collision in Phoenix, Arizona?

Why Call an Attorney After a Rear-End Collision in Phoenix, Arizona?

Traffic has increased in Phoenix for the last few years. This increase has also raised the potential of rear-end accidents on the roads. Unlike head-on collisions, rear-end accidents happen when cars cannot stop on time, leading to crashing into others from the back. In most cases, rear-end collisions involve more than one vehicle. Such collisions happen for various reasons, but the primary one is the driver’s negligence or inattentiveness. Actually, the law assumes that the rear driver is always at fault in this type of accident.

A rear-end accident can lead to lethal injuries requiring serious medical care, hospitalization, surgery, and therapy. This kind of care can be expensive, so you need much money to cover medical bills and the damages. Therefore, it may be best to file a claim to get compensated for the medical costs and damages. You will need the help of a Phoenix auto accident lawyer when going through the process to ensure you succeed. Let us look at the importance of hiring a lawyer.

Why Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer in Phoenix?

After suffering an injury after a rear-end collision, you will need medical treatment to help you recover. Even if you don’t have visible injuries, getting medical attention is crucial to ensure you are not bleeding internally or developing issues later. This is because not all symptoms show up immediately after the accident. It can take days, weeks, or even months to realize it, and not seeking immediate medical attention means you may lose the case. Remember, immediate medical attention is paramount for your health and to ensure you can prove the injuries from the accident.

You also need to meet your Phoenix car accident lawyer to discuss your case and how the accident occurred. The lawyer will determine if it is possible to file a claim. The professional will take over the case to pursue justice as you focus on getting better.

Why Is It Important to Seek Immediate Medical Attention?

As mentioned, seeking immediate medical attention after a rear-end collision is crucial. The first reason is that most symptoms in such an accident don’t reveal immediately. Therefore, waiting for loot long could result in minor injuries becoming major or worse. The doctor will examine and conduct the necessary test to determine your condition.

Another reason to seek immediate medical treatment is that it is vital if you plan to file a claim. If you fail to get prompt treatment, it may be hard to prove that your injuries resulted from the accident. The insurance company may also claim that you were not seriously injured and that the severity of the injuries did not come from the accident. Therefore, you may not get compensation.

How Do Rear-End Collisions Occur?

Drivers can avoid rear-end accidents if they are careful enough to keep their distance from other vehicles and avoid over-speeding. When drivers violate traffic signs and speed limit warnings, they increase the chances of causing serious rear-end car accidents. This puts other drivers and pedestrians in great danger. Here are common causes of rear-end collisions leading to fatal injuries.

In a Nutshell

Seeking the help of a Phoenix auto accident attorney after being involved in a rear-end accident is crucial. The lawyer will help with the case and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

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