Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

July 16, 2022 Off By Glespynorson

Dealing with the repercussions of the accident makes almost everything worse. You can be facing far more than you anticipated being injured in a car accident in Seattle. Right from injuries to property damage, medical costs to lost pay. Everything is overwhelming. While some car accidents cannot be prevented, many of them can. Some factors contribute to car wrecks more frequently than others. A list of the leading causes of car crashes is listed below. Have a look.

Texting While Driving

Clearly, the leading factor in car wrecks is inattentive driving. A driver who is distracted is not paying full attention to the road. Instead, they are more focused on a mobile device, other road users, or perhaps a burger.


Keep in mind that your reaction time will be slower as you drive faster. The odds are pretty high that an accident won’t be spared if you need to avoid one while going 20 miles above the speed limit.

Dangerous Driving

Be cautious as you drive and execute your movements. This is because irresponsible drivers are often spotted speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.

Unfavorable Weather

Rough weather, be it rain or snow, can make driving conditions dangerous. If you are caught in a downpour, drive cautiously. If you have to hit the brakes in snowy or cold weather, the streets may ice over and lead your car to slide.

Running Intersections

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Red signals a stop. Not a recommendation for you to act on as you please. When a light turns yellow, you should slow down rather than try to “catch” it by going faster. Stay away from the temptation to ignore stop signs near your house, as so many individuals do.


Keep your distance from any young driver you observe behind the wheel and give them space. Teenagers who are using their phones or who have companions in the car are also prone to distracted driving.

Driving at Night

Your awareness needs to be sharpened when the sun starts to set. Drowsiness might also result from nighttime driving. Drowsiness can cause a lane to drift into another lane, into the midway, onto the grass, or towards the walls.


If people start paying more attention or making smarter choices, many accidents can be prevented. Numerous factors contribute to accidents, some of which are absolutely unpredictable. Although, the decision to drive drunk, reckless, or at high speeds is entirely up to the driver.