Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Federal Criminal Attorney

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Federal Criminal Attorney

May 4, 2021 Off By Glespynorson

If you’re accused or charged with PPP loan fraud, having the support of a federal criminal attorney makes a big difference in the outcome of your case.

After getting the names of some attorneys near you, try to set up appointments to meet them.

Many good attorneys are busy, so you may end up meeting with their staff. Don’t cut them as possible candidates just because they are busy.

It’s important that you come to meetings prepared. You should also bring a list of questions to ask to help you decide whether to hire an attorney or not. Here are some of the best ones to ask.

What Documents Do You Need From Me?

It’s important to know what’s required of you during a case. As the defendant, you’ll be asked to provide relevant documents and background information.

For PPP loan fraud defense, you will need your financial statements at the very least.

You want to make sure that you’re providing all the necessary information about your case. The best way to do that is to ask your federal criminal attorney to instruct you.

What Should I Immediately Work On Or Fix?

You will have important roles to focus on as a defendant, but you may not be familiar with how the legal system works. It’s normal if you don’t know where to start.

Maybe you need to fill up a legal form. Or you’re recommended to contact a court-appointed private investigator for your case. Or you’re missing an important document.

Every accused client has different situations. Your attorney can guide you along the way to make the circumstances work for you.

How Soon Can You Start?

When you’re hiring an attorney, you’re on the clock, so you don’t want to waste time. Work with someone who can take your case seriously, even if they have other clients.

Knowing their availability is important, especially during the start of the case. Some lawyers have long wait times, and some are more organized and can start on your case immediately.

Did you have any experience with a fraud case similar to mine?

It’s not just important to find an attorney who has handled many good cases.

We should be practical and specific. It would be great if you’re with an attorney knowledgeable about the charges you’re facing.

You want someone who has experience defending clients’ fraud cases. An attorney who already handled previous cases with similar charges saves you a lot of time and money. There’s less room for trial and error and you get more chances of finding a better outcome.

How Much Is Your Legal Fee?

Legal defense can be expensive. Most attorneys either use an hourly fee or a fixed fee. One may be preferable for you depending on your case.

You want to find a great attorney who has the skills you need to win the case. But at the same time, you don’t want to commit to hiring one whose fee is costly that it gives you financial problems.

It’s wise to be upfront with asking what the potential costs may be and how their legal fees are structured. Compare the estimates that multiple attorneys offer before you make a decision.

How Strong Is My Case?

You can see the bigger picture of your case through the lenses of your attorney. It’s important to know what they see as the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

An experienced federal criminal attorney evaluates the preliminary information of your case. They can share with you their assessment and thoughts on how it may likely play out.

What Strategy Will You Propose For Handling My Case?

No federal criminal attorney can control every legal aspect of the case. But they should be able to create a clear defense strategy on how you will proceed with your case.

Your attorney should be able to outline and explain the action steps you may take. They should make things simple especially for clients with no legal background.

How Often Would We Communicate?

Think about how often you want to be able to communicate with your attorney (and his assistants if they have a team).

It’s important to stay in touch. You want to hear regular updates about the progress of your case. Make sure you talk about their consultation hours and contact details.

Do I have other options aside from going to trial?

A criminal trial is stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. Your fate is put in the hands of a judge and jury.

No one really wants to go under trial. Ask your attorney if you have other ways to avoid taking your case to the court. Maybe you can have a fair plea bargain instead.

But if you need to face your case head-on, then you’ll need all the support you can get. Contact Miami PPP Loan Fraud Firm to stay safe from PPP fraud charges and accusations.