Should I Get An Attorney For A Crash That I Didn’t Cause?

Should I Get An Attorney For A Crash That I Didn’t Cause?

March 30, 2023 Off By Glespynorson


There is no law that says you must hire an attorney after you’ve been involved in a car crash. However, before you decide to go it alone, there are some very important factors that you should consider in deciding whether you should get a lawyer for a car accident that wasn’t your fault.

An Attorney Can Advise On The Law Related To Your Case

An experienced personal injury attorney will know all the rules, regulations, and procedures that apply to your situation. They will be able to explain these things in simple terms so that you understand them but also provide insight into how they may affect your case.

Your attorney will help you find the evidence you need to prove your car accident lawsuit. Evidence is important for two reasons: firstly, because it helps prove whether or not someone was at fault; secondly, because some types of evidence are required before an insurance company will pay a claim (such as medical records). An attorney knows best how to gather this type of information from witnesses or medical providers so that everything gets properly documented from start to finish.

An Attorney Can Help With Insurance Company Negotiations

An attorney will know what an insurance company is likely to accept as a settlement, which may be more than you would get on your own.

A personal injury lawyer knows how much money it takes for their client’s medical bills or lost wages after an automobile crash, so your attorney will make sure those costs are accounted for in any settlement he or she is able to negotiate with the insurance company.

Most people do not understand how insurance companies work or what their real motivation is when it comes to making a settlement offer in an automobile crash case if they even make one at all. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, so they will often try to get you to settle for less than your case is actually worth. The insurance company’s claims adjuster has been trained on how to talk with people who have been injured in crashes and knows how to get crash victims on board with quickly settling for less than their case’s true value – and especially without seeking legal advice first!

It may seem like common sense, but most people don’t realize just how incredibly important it is to have an experienced attorney representing your interests when dealing with and negotiating with insurance companies.

A Lawyer Will Know Best How To Present Your Case If A Trial Is Necessary

An experienced auto accident lawyer will have tried many cases previously and so he or she will know how to best present arguments, direct questions, and how to cross-examine witnesses in your case. An attorney can also object when necessary. A skilled attorney knows the rules of evidence and procedure and will be able to help determine what evidence should be presented at trial. This may include police reports or medical records regarding injuries suffered by you or your passengers in your automobile crash case as well as photographs taken at the scene of your crash showing the damage done by another driver’s negligence. An attorney can also subpoena relevant documents from insurance companies involved in your case if needed so that all parties have access before the trial begins.


If you’ve been injured in an automobile crash, it’s important to understand the legal process and how insurance companies work when it comes to settlement negotiations. An attorney can help guide you through this process and make sure that your rights are protected. They will also be able to explain what types of damages and compensation you may be able to recover from the at-fault driver and/or his or her auto insurance company.