Risks Involved In Driving And Tips To Improve Road Safety

Risks Involved In Driving And Tips To Improve Road Safety

November 9, 2020 Off By Glespynorson

Driving for many people is a thrill, an adventure, and a passion. Car enthusiasts around the world love to hit the roads and show their skills. However, it is not that easy. You need to take into account so many things and as the DMV says that the best kind of driving is safe driving.

Whether you have been driving for the past 12 years or 2, there is always a risk of getting into a car accident. Even if it’s not your fault. Drivers need to be vigilant, careful, and sure about what they are doing and that what they are doing is safe and legal. This is because as a driver, you need to make certain decisions that determine your capability of judging risk factors and risk that comes with being on the road behind the wheel.

In a city like Broomfield where the population is growing every single day, you need to be extra careful while being on the road. How much careful you say? Well, to understand more about road safety, you would need to know your risks and risky behavior related to driving.

Road Risks That Are Not Your Fault

Most of the drivers do not have a basic understanding of the risks that are involved in driving. Since they can drive well, they feel that nothing they do can be wrong. This is until you meet an accident. Accident doctors have to treat serious accident patients because of some risk factors that are outside of the control of a driver.

These are:

  • Bad weather conditions that can lead to poor visibility
  • Slippery roads that happen due to rain, fog, etc.
  • Driving during the night
  • Driving a small vehicle on underdeveloped and unmaintained roads
  • Having an encounter with drivers who are not following the traffic law even if the traffic flow is minimum
  • Driving during the night among reckless and drunk drivers
  • When someone stops their car unexpectedly on an unexpected location (e.g. high-speed highways)
  • Driving during busy hours
  • Driving in traffic lights that are not working and there is no traffic police to help the situation

Even though these factors are not caused by you and neither have you had any control over them, it is still a good idea to be extremely careful or simply not take a risk at all.

Road Risks That Are Your Fault

There are some behaviors that you implement in your driving and cause damage and accidents. Every driver thinks he is the best until he disobeys some traffic laws that lead to accidents. There are some factors in your control that you must avoid in order to have a safe trip on the road.

If you are following any of the factors that are mentioned below, it’s pretty much your fault.

  • Driving after you have had a drink or two and now the buzz is making you drive without no control over your senses and muscles.
  • Distracted driving because you cannot wait to open that last Snapchat message sent by your friend.
  • Eating while driving where one hand is occupied instead of being on the wheel
  • Driving with fatigue (or high sugar levels in case of diabetics)
  • Extremely fast driving on slippery roads during bad weather.
  • Ignoring the traffic lights
  • Cutting other vehicles with no indicators or horn
  • Not proper use of headlights
  • Not wearing seatbelts
  • Being in a rush and state of emergency (always take an Uber if you are shaking or unable to process what’s happening)
  • No proper car maintenance like professional service or aircheck in the tires

Obviously, no one wants to be in an unfortunate situation like a car accident and therefore, it is important that you completely eliminate anything that can cause an accident due to your negligence.

Tips To Reduce Accidents

Some accidents can be so bad that you might have to take treatment for neuropathy in BroomfieldThis is why it is important to implement procedures and some healthy tips that can help you stay safe and improve your grip on how to drive.

Let’s talk about some of the best ways you can add in your driving to reduce the overall risk:

Ensure Driving Fitness

You must have a good vision to drive. If in case you wear glasses (which is totally becoming common nowadays), get regular sessions with your optician to make sure that your prescription for eyeglasses is up to date. Apart from this, your hands and legs need to be properly functioning so they can respond to any unexpected brakes. You should be able to listen to your surroundings and a siren or horn should be easily audible.

Enter Roads Slowly

Don’t rush into anything. There might be high-speed vehicles on the road that cannot stop even if they want to. If you are about to join a high-speed highway, make sure to use your mirrors, indicators, and brakes so that people behind you can prepare themselves on time. Also, people on the other end might not be aware of your arrival so look at the road two times.

If the light is red at the intersection, you are probably okay because the traffic isn’t moving. However, in the case of green light, you need to be extremely cautious and careful. Many drivers (the risky ones) like to push themselves through the yellow light as they think saving a few extra seconds is worth more than their life.


Always Keep Your Hands On The Steering Wheel

There are certain things that might distract you from driving:

  • Changing music on your phone while the car is moving
  • Constantly eating with one hand or using utensils like forks
  • Using the phone to talk, text, and use social media applications like Snapchat

Just remove any distractions or anything you feel will distract you while you are behind the wheel. If you want to eat something, stop at the next parking alley to eat or just take your food home.

Regular Car Maintenance

Just like human health, having a healthy car is also extremely important. Take your car to a professional service station for cleaning the engine and exterior. Apart from this, visit your mechanic for a regular checkup on the engine and brakes. You need to get the air checked in the tires after every two days. If you don’t want to get treatment for neuropathy in Broomfield, then you better get your car treated regularly.

Scan The Area

Always keep your 100% focus on the area you intend to move to. For example, look where you consider yourself to be in the next 10 seconds or so. If you are on a high-way look for cars ahead of you that stop suddenly or are driving rashly. A similar scenario applies when you are reversing the car. Make sure that you look through all the mirrors before reversing the vehicle.

Be Respectful

There are different people on the road who might be having a really hard time. This is why you need to accept that there are all kinds of people on the road and you need to save your vehicle while respecting their driving space.


Car accidents can be horrible. If you don’t want to see an accident doctor due to personal negligence, it is important that you implement some driving safety tips in your life.