The Top Reasons Court Filings Get Rejected.

The Top Reasons Court Filings Get Rejected.

July 26, 2021 Off By Glespynorson

Submitting legal paperwork can be a tricky process to master. If you end up not doing it correctly it will result in getting rejected. Getting rejected means you have to redo it to fix the mistakes and file it again. Getting a rejection from the court when filing time sensitive and important court documents is really frustrating. If the rejection is because of a mistake or error that is easily corrected or avoided it’s even more annoying. That’s why being aware of common mistakes and errors is important so that you can avoid it and get your papers filed right, the first time. Another way to avoid getting your court filings rejected is by hiring a process server company. They do the filing for you and it makes it their job to worry about not making the errors. It makes things easier and simpler for you.

Here are some of the common errors that might cause your court filings to be rejected:

  • Incorrect court location
  • Incorrect case category or case type
  • Used incorrect document type
  • Paid incorrect fee
  • Wrong file type
  • Payment not received
  • Improper redacting
  • Mismatched party names on documents and case records
  • Wrong filing code
  • Incorrect bundling of documents and envelopes
  • Missing information, documents, or signatures
  • Files are submitted as a new case when it is an existing case.
  • The wrong case number selected for an existing case.
  • Document is exempt from eFiling and must be submitted physically or through other means.

Do remember that reasons for rejection vary because of courthouse rules, case types etc. Although, overall avoiding the mistakes above will help you file your paperwork in accordance to any court’s standards.

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  • What do you do if your paperwork or documents filing gets rejected?
  • Here are the next few steps you can take to determine why it is rejected

Determine the rejection reason

Try to search for possible reasons. You may use the list above to see if you may have made any mistakes. Sometimes the court is able to provide instruction on what needs changing but if you don’t get one or if you don’t understand the correction needed to be made you may contact the courthouse directly so that they can help you.

Make the change needed

Follow the directions given by the courthouse to change all the errors on your document or paper work. Double check everything. It’s already annoying you’re doing everything again so make it count.


Once you’re done and sure with all the changes, resubmit your documents. Be sure to include a note that you’re submitting your documents again due to a rejection.


The next time you file documents or paperwork it is best to make sure that you don’t make any errors so that you won’t be hassled. You save yourself time if you don’t do the same exact task twice. Just get it right the first time. There are guides online that can assist you. It is important to be knowledgeable with this especially if it’s your first time filing court documents or paperwork.